European studies show that there is a worrying division between higher and lower educated
young people in Europe. This is also the case within Erasmus+ projects where the amount of
young people with higher education that participate is bigger compared to the young people
with no or vocational training.
The first training takes place in North Macedonia and it lasts 6 days plus 2
travel days. The program is an intensive melt pot and makes the
participants aware of the many differences there are between groups of
youth, the position and role of youth work, the responsibility of youth work
and the role model of the youth worker and learn them how to bridge the
gaps between the varied groups.
The 2nd training takes place in Czech Republic. It lasts 6 days plus 2 travel
days. With the knowledge of ”what is youth work” we search together in the
2nd training for suitable Erasmus+ activities such as ESC activities and youth
exchanges to reach youngsters. European research demonstrates that youth
exchanges are very suitable for bringing diverse youth cultures together and
to connect them with each other.
Training provide the participants with:
– a better understanding of local, national and international youth work;
– to develop practical, analytical thinking, reasoning and logic skills in working
and leading with young people;
– good knowledge of the Erasmus+ and the Youth pass;
– to increase self-confidence to start with international youth work;
– to develop leadership, monitoring and evaluation skill;
– to understand what is a youth exchange project – aims and quality criteria;
– to improve knowledge of practical arrangement of youth exchanges, different
stages and various ways to implement them;
– to improve partner finding and networking skills;
– to improve skills and search in order to find new ideas and develop them into
international (Erasmus+), national, regional and local projects.
Financial information
Almost all expenses will be covered by funding from the EU Erasmus+
Programme. This includes food and accommodation. Travel expenses
(home-to-home) will be reimbursed, based on the Erasmus+ distance
calculator. The participation fee for the entire project is 50€ and will
be taken from the reimbursement of the travel cost.
Application and selection of participants
To ensure gender balanance1 female and 1 male (age 21+)
If you want to participate please send CV and motivation letter by email