Javni poziv za 6 učesnika/ca iz BiH za Erasmus+ Youth Exchange Project “For The Sake Of Clean Environment “, 25. Septembar – 04. Oktobar 2024. Loutraki, Grčka

According to World Health Organization figures, illnesses induced by environmental pollution kill 12.6 million people each year. Our effort aims to inculcate environmental consciousness in young people by demonstrating the environmental problems that mankind has generated from its inception and that we are the root causes of these problems. We wish to make work on this topic as a group to help create a conscious majority.

In this context, general goal of our project is to draw attention to the environmental problems caused by humans throughout the history of the world, the primary and secondary causes of these environmental problems, the role of the human factor in the formation of these factors, and to raise awareness of the importance of ecological balance in young people.

Participants profile:

– 18-30 years old

– Be interested in the issue of climate change, nature,
– Youngsters from different departments and occupational groups is important in
increasing diversity

– Speaks English

Svi zainteresovani mogu se prijaviti putem e-mail adrese: volonteribih@gmail.com najkasnije do 20.09.2024. godine.