U sklopu programa ERASMUS+, Udruženje “Mladi Volonteri” partneri projekta “Save Earth, Save Your Future”, objavljuje Javni poziv za 6 učesnika/ca u period od 11-20 Juli 2021. Iphofen Njemačka,
This project has 5 main objectives and the following activities will be carried out to achieve these objectives:
– to teach young people by spreading the main causes of water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution and their forms of formation;
– to ensure that the participants observe the human factor in the changing balance of Earth, which is the only living space in the Universe, to observe the effects of people on the nature and to improve their awareness;
– to teach young people the effects of pollution on living species using their empathy abilities;
– to support young people to develop their awareness on ecology and to develop projects and ideas that focus on their primary environment and then to disseminate;
– to enable participants to actively engage in constructive, solution-oriented activities for ecology and to ensure continuity and ecology protection in this regard.
1. To educate young people about the main human impacts on the ecological system: sea pollution, air pollution, environmental pollution and noise pollution in the shadow of historical process.
2. To provide them to observe the human factors on the changing balance of the Earth which is our only living space; the human factors on the natüre and to create awareness.
3. Teaching the influence of pollution on living species to young people using empathy skills.
4. To support young people to develop projects and ideas that first focus on their primary environment and then promote it by raising their awareness on ecology.
5. To make them involve in constructive, solution-focused activities for ecology, provide sustainability and adopt ecological preservation.
*Svi troškovi (prevoz, smještaj i hrana) su plaćeni.
Zainteresovani treba da pošalju svoju prijavuputem e-maila: volonteriyia@gmail.com najkasnije do 28.05.2021.