Rezultati selekcije za Erasmus +, Tirana, Albanija 22-30 Decembar; Rezultati selekcije
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Javni poziv za seminar u Tirani (Albanija)
Potrebna 4 ucesnika iz BiH za seminar u Tirani Take Initiative! Youth Entrepreneurship Training Erasmus+ Training Course Tirana, Albania, 22-30 November 2015 Info: This is an Erasmus+ (Youth) – Mobility of youth workers training project. The project’s main objective is to train youth workers in developing young people’s initiative and entrepreneurship skills, thus developing their youth work competences, increasing quality of their work and strengthening the capacity of their organizations. The project is set in…
Read MoreProjekat ''Ti se osnaži, posao potraži''
JAVNI POZIV ZA MLADE NEZAPOSLENE OSOBE Otvaranje Centra za podršku nezaposlenim osobama je program Udruženja ”Mladi Volonteri” u oblasti prioritetne oblasti suzbijanje siromašta i nezaposlenosti kroz neformalno obrazovanje, organizovanje radionica i pružanje pomoći u zapošljavanju, koji se realizuje u okviru pojekta ”Ti se osnaži, posao potraži”.Cilj projekta je poticanje zapošljavanja i jačanja konkurentnosti nezaposlenih osoba sa područja općine Visoko, na tržištu rada. Projekat se zasniva na najboljim svjetskim praksama koje su prolagođene bosanskohercegovačkim uslovima…
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Javni poziv ” Pisanje projektnog prijedloga” Udruženje „Mladi Volonteri“ u saradnji sa Agencijom za pružanje intelektualnih usluga PRIMA organizuje cjelodnevni trening iz oblasti pisanja i upravljanja projektnim prijedlogom. Trening će se održati 7.11.2015. godine u terminu od 11 do 18 sati u novootvorenom Centru za mlade „YOUTH“ Visoko. Vise informacija: Javni poziv pisanje projekata
Read MoreErasmus +, Balikesir, Turkey
Through Questioning Explore Your Entrepreneurship KA1- Mobility of Youth (Youth Exchange) 1-10 December, 2015 Balıkesir 4 participants+ 1 leader More Info about Project The aim of this project is not to teach you something, but to help you discover your potential with powerful questions used in Coaching methods in accordance with the free will of you. Our goal at the end of activities is to help you recognize yourself, what situation you are in, what…
Read MorePotrebna 4 volontera za EVS u Turskoj
Poštovani, Objavljujemo javni poziv za 4 EVS volontera u Turskoj (Balikesir) u trajanju od 2 mjeseca (01.11.2016 – 01.01.2016). O projektu: Project name; Tactic (10Th Phase) Team Action For International Cooperation. We are looking for 4 volunteer for 2 months long EVS project called Tactic 10, dates between The starting day of the project: 01. 11. 2015. Volunteer age: from 18 to 30 years old Here you can find the whole brief info and details…
Read MorePoziv na svečano otvorenje Centra za mlade "Youth"
POZIVNICA Čast nam je i zadovoljstvo pozvati Vas na svečano otvorenje Centra za mlade »Youth« u Visokom na adresi Kovačica 5, dana 19.10.2015. godine u 18:00 sati S poštovanjem,
”Healthy Europe” Erasmus +, Poronin, Poljska, 03-11 Oktobar: REZULTATI SELEKCIJE 23.09.
ERASMUS + PROGRAMME Name of the project: ‘’Non- formal work for Yout(h)!’’ SFERA 08-16 October 2015, Bitola, MACEDONIA; REZULTATI SELEKCIJE
Read MoreErasmus +, Poljska
”Healthy Europe”, 03- 11. Oktobar, Poranin, Poljska, 2 učesnika; This seminar titled “Healthy Europe” will take place in Poronin, Poland 03 – 11. 10. 2015 gathering 28 young people and youth workers and 2 coaches from 14 countries of EU and partner countries: Albania, Bosnia, Montenegro, Greece, Georgia, Spain, Kosovo, Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Ukraine, Italy and Poland. The project will concentrate on healthy lifestyle in Europe and influence of its promotion on…
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