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”To be employed or not” 06-13 March 2016, Akcakoca, Turkey, potrebno 10 učesnika; ABOUT PROJECT: Today the employment and unemployment problem appears as the most important and social problem facing us. The concept of unemployment which causes deep impacts on economic and social impacts has great importance and poses danger especially for a specific group. Those who are mostly affected among these groups by the unemployment are the young. Today while the 12,6 percent of…
Izašli su rezultati selekcije za projekat na Kipru. Možete ih preuzeti u prilogu: REZULTATI SELEKCIJE 17.01.2016.
Rezultati selekcije za projekte u Crnoj Gori i Sloveniji: REZULTATI SELEKCIJE 11.01.2016.
Read MoreJavni poziv za dva učesnika, projekat ERASMUS +, KIPAR
ERASMUS+ TC Conflict management and Peace initiatives, Agros village in Cyprus The dates of the training course is set between 16-23 of April 2016. Arrival day is the 16th April 2016. Departure day is the 23th April 2016, all day Summary of the project: The training course (TC) “Conflict Management and Peace initiatives” will take place in Agros village in Cyprus. It is dedicated to promotion of non-violent actions, development of peace initiatives and facilitating…
Poštovani, Objavljujemo javni poziv za 1 EVS volontera u Turskoj (Bodrum) za ” Think Dance-4 ’’ Short Term EVS Project , u trajanju od 17.04-01.06.2016. EVS se odnosi na International Dance Festival koji će se održati u Bodrumu. Više o projektu možete pročitati u prilogu: BDC – short Term EVS Volunteers Guidebook NAČIN PRIJAVE: Popuniti aplikacijsku formu:App form Bodrum short EVS2016 Poziv je otvoren za sve članove udruženja starosne dobi od 18 – 30 godina. Svi zainteresovani…
Read MoreJavni poziv za dva učesnika, projekat ERASMUS+ Slovenia
Ljubljana, 20th (arrival day) till 28th February 2016 (departure day). The aim of the “Words Shape Identity” project (KA1, Mobility of Youth Workers) is to raise awareness about an inclusive LGBT terminology and its wider implementation in practical youth work. This aim will be achieved using diverse methods of non-formal education, primarily creative writing. 22 youth workers from 11 different countries (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey)…
Read MoreJavni poziv za dva učesnika, projekat ERASMUS+ Crna gora
Mobility activity I: Training Course of youth workers about education of peer educators in aim to prevent and fight against gender violence Activity date: 05. – 14. February 2016. Venue: Adria hotel, Bar, seaside of Montenegro Training Courses in this project are aimed for education of peer educators and youth workers with purpose to raise awareness about gender based violence, among young men and women, boys and girls as well as to young people with…
Read MoreObavještenje "Ti se osnaži, posao potraži"
Članovi udruženja prisustvuju T.C. Embracing Multimedia for Human Right Education
Članovi udruženja “Mladi Volonteri” prisustvuju treningu u Dures-u (Albanija) u sklopu partnerskih projekata ERASMUS+, evo prvih rezultata samog treninga: hre training Y4S (1)
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