Hitno potrebno 7 ucesnika za seminar u Ceskoj, na linku ispod se nalaze informacije o seminaru a sastavni dio dokumenta je i aplikacija: Use Your Hands practical info Application form Zainteresovane osobe moraju biti clanovi Udruzenja (ukoliko niste clan uclanite se online na web site-u) i poslati popunjenu aplikacionu formu do petka 19.07.2013 na e-mail: volonteribih@gmail.com Za ovaj seminar važe pravila Youth in Action programa, što znaći da su smještaj i hrana plačeni 100% a…
Potpisan Memorandum
Udruzenje “Mladi Volonteri” iz Visokog je potpisalo memorandum sa CPCD (centrom za promociju civilnog drustva) o poslovno – tehnickoj saradnji, na period od dvije godine: Memorandum o poslovno tehničkoj saradnji za pružanje mentorskih usluga
DetaljnijeDrugi poziv za seminare u Njemackoj i Albaniji
Rezultati selekcije 08.07.2013. godine Rezultati selekcije 08.07.2013 T.C. 30 September – 07 October 2013 “Share your experience: Multinational youth exchanges pave the way for an Open European Balkan Youth Platform” Much 40 km outside Cologne, Germany – 2 participant Participation fee per participant 50€ The project will be open for about 40 people of organizations from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Germany, Macedonia, Montenegro, Poland, Slovenia and Serbia. In addition there is the idea of extending…
DetaljnijeRezultati selekcije 30.06.2013.
Rezultati selekcije za seminare: Rezultati selekcije ucesnika 30.06.2013
DetaljnijePoziv za seminar
Poziv za seminar: 12.-21.07.2013 YOUTH EXCHANGE PROJECT »FORM a bike – transFORM yourself«, Metlika, Slovenija 3 ucesnika Through the 9 days the group of participants (40) will be mixed to support cultural diversity in order to renew old bikes and make new, creative ones which will stay in the town Metlika. A professional mentor will be of help, ensuring the bikes to be in shape to drive. Applying new methods of communication and also different…
DetaljnijePoziv za seminar
Poziv za seminar: “InFormed Youth on EUROPEan Citizenship” in Iasi, Romania on 23th July – 03th August 2013; 2 ucesnika The TC InFormed Youth on EUROPEan Citizenship will approach as main themes volunteering, European citizenship and non-formal education and will approach subjects such as: – Citizenship and European Year of Citizens 2013 – Decision-making procedures in EU – Non-formal education – Simulation of Euro parliamentary elections – Democracy and community development Within the…
DetaljnijeRezultati selekcije 16.06.2013. godine
Rezultati selekcije za seminare: Rezultati selekcije učesnika za seminare 16.06.2013 Poziv za seminar TC “Violance, let it be past” 20-27 July Ruma, Serbia 1 ucesnika Training Course “Violence, Let It Be Past” is 7 days activity hosted by OKO Ruma, in Ruma, Autonomy province of Vojvodina, Serbia. TC will gather 30 young leaders, youth workers and volunteers from SEE, European Union, Turkey and Croatia. Project is created in order to give to participants possibility to…
DetaljnijePoziv za prijavu na seminar
Poziv za seminar: 20 – 27 Juni 2013 TC “Causes and Advantages of Youth mobility and European Migration”” Diyarbakir, Turska – 2 ucesnika “Causes and Advantages of Youth mobility and European Migration” is a 7-day training course (TC) that will take place in Diyarbakır, Turkey between 20-27.06.2013. It will gather 32 youth ngos’ and youth workers dealing with migration issues from EU and non-EU countries(Turkey, The Neederlands, Spain, Lithuania, Romania, Ukraine, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Azerbaijan…
DetaljnijePoziv za prijavu na seminare
TC. Equal chances for all-a chance for a better future 23 jun-02 July 2013 Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia 2 ucesnika Social exclusion is a major social problem of our time, which has replaced the “old notions of” poverty and marginalization.Social inclusion is our right to be: useful, respected, accepted, equal.The training tackles the topic of social inclusion and combating marginalization towards migrant and minorities which main objectives to develop how to use different models used for…
DetaljnijePoziv za prijavu na seminar
Poziv za seminar: We're here, give us a chance, include us – YE 06-16 July 2013 Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia- 5 ucesnika None society is non immune to social exclusion. Many people are exposed to the worst off because of skin color, gender, sexual orientation, age, language, religion, health, disability, education, financial status and other personal characteristics.The most common reasons for discrimination are stereotypes and prejudices, lack of information about social groups exposed to discrimination, fear…