Javni poziv za 4 učesnika/ce, 09-15 Novembar 2021, Ankara, Turska

Javni poziv za 4 učesnika/ce, 09-15 Novembar 2021, Ankara, Turska

The main aim of the project will be to raise awareness of the youth workers who will be a tool for reaching our primary target group of refugees, about the consequences of the ill-treatment of refugees and migrants, and their training on ways to solve this problem. Thus, youth workers, who play an important role in helping migrants overcome the problems they face during the process of integration into a new society, will have the…


Call for a youth exchange in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Call for a youth exchange in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina!

Udruzenje “Mladi Volonteri” is looking for 7 participants (16-25) from Bosnia and Herzegovina to participate in the youth exchange “Volunteering Matters” within the project VCC 2.0 (Volunteering Connecting Communities) in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Place: Sarajevo, Bosnia and HerzegovinaDate: 30.10-6.11.2021 About the project:This YE will bring 40 young people (age 16-25) and 10 youth leaders (no age limit). They will have the opportunity to discuss, inspire, exchange experiences about volunteering and learn to use specific tools…


Javni poziv za Training Course, “Act on the Spot” 15-22 November 2021 Bitola, North Macedonia, January 2022 Brno, Chech Republic

Javni poziv za Training Course, “Act on the Spot”  15-22 November 2021 Bitola, North Macedonia, January 2022 Brno, Chech Republic

European studies show that there is a worrying division between higher and lower educatedyoung people in Europe. This is also the case within Erasmus+ projects where the amount ofyoung people with higher education that participate is bigger compared to the young peoplewith no or vocational training. The first training takes place in North Macedonia and it lasts 6 days plus 2travel days. The program is an intensive melt pot and makes theparticipants aware of the…


Javni poziv za 8 učesnika Youth Exchange, “Peace is the way” 07-16 Septembar 2021, Durres Albanija

Javni poziv za 8 učesnika Youth Exchange, “Peace is the way” 07-16 Septembar 2021, Durres Albanija

The youth exchange will bring youth together to learn and share among each other on howto promote peacebuilding in their communities. Participants will work on portraying peacebuilding through photography; video; andreporting workshops.The activity will be organized on 7-16 September 2021. 7 is the arrival day and 16 will be the departure day.Method:1.The methodology of this youth exchange will based in non-formaleducation approach, learning by doing and centered approach, etc.2.Combined methods for each session will be…


Saopštenje, otvoreno pismo

Saopštenje, otvoreno pismo

Poštovani gradonačelniče, poštovani predstavnici zakonodavne i izvršne vlasti, poštovani građani i građanke grada Visoko,obraćamo Vam se otvorenim pismom kako bismo zaštitili svoj dignitet, kredibilitet, ali i čast koju imamo, a koja je stečena predanim trudom, radom i zalaganjem.Vidjevši rezultate raspodjele novčanih sredstava nevladinim organizacijama, odlučili smo da ista vratimo u budžet i da ne prisupimo potpisivanju ugovora o dodjeli istih. Srčano ih vraćamo, baš kako su srčano i dodijeljene, a bojimo se da je to…


Javni poziv za 2 učesnika/ce TC Advanced Facilitators Training, KIELCE, Poland 06-13.09.2021

Javni poziv za 2 učesnika/ce TC Advanced Facilitators Training, KIELCE, Poland 06-13.09.2021

What is it aboutWe believe that extremely important in working with young people are thesoft skills of youth workers, i.e. their personal, communication and socialskills, which make them able to diagnose the needs of young people andchoose appropriate methods. Another factor determining the effectivenessof youth workers is their openness, flexibility and understanding of diversity.These are the features and skills that are worth developing and improving inpeople who work with young people. The answer to these…


Obavještenje o mogučnosti uplate kurbana

Obavještenje o mogučnosti uplate kurbana

Broj protokola: 03/1-23-21/21 Datum: 22.06.2021. Predmet: Obavještenje o uplati kurbana za potrebe “Javne kuhinje” Visoko Udruženje „Mladi Volonteri“ kao i tokom predhodnih godina, radi velikog interesa građana i građanki koji žele uplatiti kurban za Javnu kuhinju Visoko, je odlučilo da, ponovo, ostavi mogućnost uplate kurbana za sve one koji žele pomoći rad ovog humanitarnog projekta. Cijena kurbana iznosi 260,00 KM. Svoje uplate možete izvršiti na ime Udruženje „Mladi Volonteri“ broj računa 3385 7022 1883 8412…


Javni poziv za EVS/ESC volontere u Austriji

Javni poziv za EVS/ESC volontere u Austriji

Poštovani, naši partneri iz Austrije su otvorii nekoliko javnih poziva za volontiranje u Austriji, više o javnim pozivima na linkovima. Caritas for people in need https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/17232_en from january 2022 on Miracita https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/17227_en from january 2022 on CMB https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/5729_en from autumn 2021 and february 2022 on CMB Engelhartszell https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/5600_en from autumn 2021 and february2022 on CMB for youngsters Linz https://europa.eu/youth/solidarity/placement/5007_en from autumn 2021 on Zainteresirane osobe mogu da kontaktiraju koordinatora projekata za vise informacija putem e-maila: susanne.rosmann@4yougend.at


JAVNI POZIV ERASMUS+ 6 učesnika/ca iz BiH

JAVNI POZIV ERASMUS+ 6 učesnika/ca iz BiH

U sklopu programa ERASMUS+, Udruženje “Mladi Volonteri” partneri projekta “Save Earth, Save Your Future”, objavljuje Javni poziv za 6 učesnika/ca u period od 11-20 Juli 2021. Iphofen Njemačka, This project has 5 main objectives and the following activities will be carried out to achieve these objectives: – to teach young people by spreading the main causes of water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution and their forms of formation; – to ensure that…


Javni poziv za 4 EVS/ESC volonterke Ankara (Turska)

Javni poziv za 4 EVS/ESC volonterke Ankara (Turska)

Poziv za 4 EVS/ESC volonterke u Ankari, Turska projekat traje 2 mjeseca (14.11.2020 – 12.01.2021) DISABLED AND OLD HOME SUPPORT PROJECT It is the voluntary support of volunteers among the ages of 18-30 in accordance with the ethical rules for people who are old and disabled at the same time and living alone. Every human will be older one day. Every human being is also a candidate for disability. Our project has been prepared for…

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