Dear friends and colleagues, The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in cooperation with the European Youth Foundation and the European Youth Centre are launching a call for applications for the Youth Assembly 2012: Youth and Democracy- the young generation sacrificed?
DetaljnijeAuthor: Admin
Potrebni ucesnici na Treningu u Srbiji 01 – 07 Juni
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS from Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Greece, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina and Bulgaria: International Training Course “Promoting youth participation to financially disadvantaged young people” “, 1st – 7th of June 2012 in Serbia, Leskovac
DetaljnijeExchange in Germany “Complaining on high level” 28th of April- 5th of May 2012.
“Complaining on high level” from Youth in Action Program 3.1. The exchange will be from 28th of April- 5th of May 2012. Partners: Bosnia and Herzegowina, Italy Germany and Macedonia. Age of participants: 18 to 25 years (group leader can be older) Group size: 4 participants + 1 group leader
DetaljnijeYouth exchange “How different, so much similar” in Vrnjacka banja, Serbia 12/05 – 22/05 2012.
Date of the exchange is 12/05 – 22/05.2012. Total duration of the Activity (in days), including travel days : 10 days in Vrnjacka banja (Serbia). The partners countries: BiH, Turkey, Italy, Republic of Macedonia, Czech Republic, Albania, Portugal and Serbia.
DetaljnijeHITNO 2 UCESNIKA IZ BiH ! ! ! !
Youth Cultural Center- Bitola (YCC-Bitola) and partner organizations (SEEYN, Educational Center“ Krusevac and Volunteer Center Zagreb) take this opportunity to invite you to take part in Training course for youth workers Peace builders for divided communities taking place from 22 – 29th of April 2012 in Bitola, Macedonia. This training will be delivered by experienced trainers from SEEYN training centre and partner organizations. Training is supported by European Youth Foundation – Council of Europe.
DetaljnijeWe looking for 3 participants, YiA T.C. “Create plan for change”
We looking for 3 participants, Youth in Action, Training Course “Create plan for change”, that will be held in Delcevo, Macedonia from 10th until 17th April 2012
DetaljnijeYiA: We speak out loud!!! in Albania 02-11 June 2011 – 5 youngsters + 1 leader
Youth Exchange: We speak out loud!!! Venue: Radhime, Vlora , Albania Date: 02-11 June 2011 5 youngsters + one leader from each country Project Action 3.1, YE “We speak out loud” will bring together 61 persons (50 participants and 11 youth leaders) from Slovenia, Italy, Greece, Romania, Bosnia&Herzegovina, Kosovo, Serbia, Macedonia, Turkey and Albania. Project will be held on 02-11 June 2012 in Vlora, Albania Main aim of YE: To equip participants with new skills…
CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS FOR TRAINING COURSE “MULTIPLIERS FOR PEACE IN 3 STEPS” (MP3's) 25-30 APRIL 2012, THESSALONIKI,GREECE U.S.B. and C.A.F.E. are organising a training course under Council of Europe about peace education. We are searching 2 participants from each of partner countries (Albania, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, FYROM, Bulgaria, Turkey, Cyprus and Greece). Go to the links, download the info pack and application form and sent it to our email!…
DetaljnijeYouth in Action T.C. Kavadrci, Macedonia, we looking for 3 participants
Youth in Action T.C. Kavadrci, Macedonia, we looking for 3 participants TC “Safety Net” 03-10 April, was designed to enable young unemployed people committed to the social or environmental change for work as non-formal education facilitators and raise their interest and motivation to contribute to non-governmental non-profit sector activities.
DetaljnijeOpen call for 2 participants YiA “Islamophobia – Challenge and Action for European Youth” will be held in Stip, Macedonia from 02 to 09 April 2012.
The Training Course “Islamophobia – Challenge and Action for European Youth” will be held in Stip, Macedonia from 02 to 09 April 2012. Each of your organisations should send 2 participants on the TC.