YiA T.C. in Romania they are looking for participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina

Adina Marina Calafateanu Looking for participants from Macedonia, Serbia, Greece, Turkey, Hungary, Italy, Spain, Croatia, Bosnia, Moldova for an approved training course on Diversity Management in Romania – 13 to 19 of July! adina@cdcd.ro for details! TC on Diversity Management – European Youth Foundation – Council of Europe, planned for July 13th to 19th of July in Craiova, Romania. The TC Romales aims at equipping 21 youth workers and youth leaders with tools and methods…


YiA youth exchange in Sarajevo has Approved

Youth exchange “I don't know – I will ask” Project is based on development of communication skills, cooperation, dealing with prejudices, differences, with own power and responsibilities. Main goal of the exchange is: introduction in basic concepts of non-violent communication, its application in everyday events and new approach. Participants will learn how to take responsibility, and how to use their own power. Necessary element for development of peace and civic society is constant work on…


YiA T.C. “MINORITY – Wake Up – Let`s Be Active” has approved

YiA T.C. “MINORITY – Wake Up – Let`s Be Active” People coming from minority backgrounds are facing many prejudices, stereotypes. The source of this behavior we can find in fact that the society is not aware of minority issues and has no information about the lives of people coming from minority backgrounds. Lack of information can very easily lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts.


YiA 3.1. Youth Exchange “Respect difference – dance together”

YiA 3.1. Youth Exchange “Respect difference – dance together” Date of activity 17.02.-27.02.2013 APV meeting 14.01.-16.01.2013 The YE “Respect difference – dance together” is a project dealing with dance choreography as a tool for expression of one’s opinion on a given matter. The aim of this youth exchange would be to draw a choreography picture about how young people see poverty and marginalized groups in their countries and how they see their inclusion in the…


We are looking for 2 participant – PBA: Better Cooperation – Better Europe in Struga,Macedonia

The PBA will take place from 18 to 26 June 2012 in city Struga, Macedonia. The deadline for sending application forms is 10 May. As it is PBA activity focus on creating ideas for future projects, establishing new partnership as sharing and developing new tools we would like to ask you to choose participants which are interested in above mentioned activities as preferable have previous experiences in  the flied of youth work and/or with Youth…


Call for partner „We can do it !“ 01.02.2013-10.02.2013

We need just EU country YiA 3.1. T.C. Description of project The main purpose and goal of the organizers of this training course is to bring the values and benefits that volunteering offers to the youngsters of the partner organizations involved in this training. Its something new in Bosnia and Herzegovina, because just this year 2012 we have a low about voluntarism. Volunteering is one of the most rewarding ways and trough volunteering one can…


Youth in Action T.C. 3.1. „Don`t attack my identity“ We are looking for partner (Just EU country )

„Don`t attack my identity“ 01.03.2013. – 10.03.2013 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina YiA  3.1.  T.C.   we need JUST  EU country for partner People coming from different backgrounds are facing many prejudices, stereotypes. The source of this behavior we can find in fact that the society is not aware of identity issues and has no information about the lives of people coming from different backgrounds. Lack of information can very easily lead to misunderstandings and potential conflicts.


Trening u Jajcu

Neformalna grupa TFC (Time for changes), uz podršku fondacije Schüler Helfen Leben i Fonda za omladinske projekte, organizuje trodnevni trening za obuku mladih na teme timski rad i liderstvo, pisanje projektnih prijedloga i vještine prezentovanja i mediji – TiPoVi. Trening će se održavati u Jajcu, u hostelu Youth Hostel Jajce, u periodu od 24-27. maja, a namijenjen je prvenstveno srednjoškolcima i studentima. Svi troškovi puta, smještaja i hrane su pokriveni. Zainteresovani za učešće treba da…


International Summer Week in Italy Cagliari-Sardinia 03-10 August 2012

Back in 1998 a group of students decided to create a summer event which gave the opportunity for foreigners (initially university students)to know the beauties of Sardinia and its exciting summer life and called it the “International Summer Week”. The idea was to ensure that the event is repeated every summer in August in Cagliari, Sardinia's capital, becoming a regular event for guys and girls from around the world.

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