“Mladi Volonteri” uspješno realizovali projekat vrijednosti preko 20.000,00 Eura

Evropska komisija (EC) iz Brisela je radi povezivanja mladih ljudi iz Evrope sa mladim ljudima u Bosni i Hercegovini još jednom odobrila projekt u okviru programa “Youth in Action”. Organizator, koordinator i implementator projektnih aktivnosti je Udruženje ‘Mladi volonteri’ iz Visokog. Projekt je u glavnom gradu BiH  Sarajevu, okupio 56 mladih iz devet zemalja – Bosne i Hercegovine, Turske, Poljske, Rumunije, Italije, Makedonije, Slovenije, Srbije i Albanije na seminaru o socijalnoj inkluziji. Glavna tema ovog…



Rezultati selekcije :Rezultati selekcije 19.03.2014. Pozivi za seminare: TC ”Volunteering: A way to employment” 06-13 April, Shengjin, Lezhe, Albania, 2 ucesnika Volunteering:A way to employment! is a TC, to be implemented by the hosting organization, Center for Social Development, in April 2014 which aims on promoting volunteering as an effective tool in stimulating unemployed young people mobility and active participation in society and also will foster capacity building of youth organizations by equipping their their…



TC ”ICE” 21-28 April, Prilep, Macedonia- 3 učesnika The multilateral training course “ICE” will take place in Hotel “Kristal Palas” (http://www.kp.mk), in Prilep, Macedonia, from 21.04. to 28.04.2014. Youth association Info front – Prilep will be the host and organiser of the project. The project's theme is promoting the ICE concept (Initiative-Creativity-Employability) as a solution for dealing with the issue of youth unemployment. The objectives are: -to realise and improve young people's self-image, self-confidence and…


Rezultati selekcije i novi pozivi za seminare u Albaniji i Makedoniji

-Rezultati selekcije: Rezultati selekcije 06.03.2014. Novi poziv za seminar: TC ”Volunteering: A way to employment” 06-13 April, Shengjin, Lezhe, Albania, 1 učesnik Volunteering:A way to employment! is a TC, to be implemented by the hosting organization, Center for Social Development, in April 2014 which aims on promoting volunteering as an effective tool in stimulating unemployed young people mobility and active participation in society and also will foster capacity building of youth organizations by equipping their their…


Rezultati selekcije i poziv za seminar u Albaniji

Rezultati selekcije: Rezultati selekcije 20.02.2014. Novi poziv za seminar: TC ”From idea to reality- Entreprenaurship”  23-30. March, Pogradec, Albanija- 3 učesnika Training course “From idea to reality-Entrepreneurship” has the aim to train young people with fewer opportunities to capture opportunities and creatively use the resources from their surroundings in making innovative enterprising initiatives. The project is particularly designed to focus on how young leaders perceive the possibilities in their surroundings and on the development of…



Poštovani, članovi, partneri, donatori, suradnici i svi oni koji ste nas podržavali i dalje podržavate u onome što radimo, želimo da podijelimo sa vama divnu vijest. U proteklom periodu intezivno smo radili na razvijanju nevladinog sektora na inovativan način koji je praksa razvijenih zemalja, Evropske Unije i šire, a to je saradnja nevladinog sektora sa strukturama vlasti. S tim u vezi obavještavamo vas da smo danas tokom dana potpisali 2 MEMORANDUMA o saradnji sa Općinom…


Rezultati selekcije i novi poziv za seminare u Albaniji i Italiji

Rezultati selekcije:  Rezultati selekcije učesnika 14.02.2014.     Novi pozivi za seminare: TC ”From idea to reality- Entreprenaurship”  23-30. March, Pogradec, Albanija- 1 učesnik Training course “From idea to reality-Entrepreneurship” has the aim to train young people with fewer opportunities to capture opportunities and creatively use the resources from their surroundings in making innovative enterprising initiatives. The project is particularly designed to focus on how young leaders perceive the possibilities in their surroundings and on…

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