EVS u Poljskoj

EVS u Poljskoj

The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation is looking for new volunteers. Please read the description below and send it to people that might be interested. Call for EVS volunteers – social care matters!  The Polish Robert Schuman Foundation is looking for volunteers, who would like to join our Erasmus + EVS project in 2015, which is focused on social care and the special education of children. Currently we are looking for volunteers for the following receiving…


Poziv za EVS u Poljskoj period Septembar 2015 – July 2016

Poziv za EVS u Poljskoj period Septembar 2015 – July 2016

Long Term EVS – POLAND/WARSAW, 2015 (from September 2015 to July 2016, 2 Volunteers to each organization) “Hipotherapia” Foundation – http://www.hipoterapia.org/ The goals of the Foundation HIPOTERAPIA: -to help children with disabilities, primarily by conducting therapy, -the encouragement and dissemination equine assisted therapy as a method of rehabilitation in some diseases of children and teenagers, -to improve the knowledge and skills of our therapists, -to take care of the health and safety of treatment of…




Project “The gamification”, 12-18th January 2015, Warsaw– Poland “The gamification” is aimed at young , inexperienced youth workers who want to implement youth projects in Erasmus + . The project aims to equip participants with the basic skills for effective project management . Through carried the game will be developed skills and competencies needed for this to manage the project : project planning , defining requirements , project implementation , emerging problems , the definition…


Javni poziv i obrazac za prijavu korisnika “Javne kuhinje” u Visokom

Javni poziv i obrazac za prijavu korisnika “Javne kuhinje” u Visokom

Na osnovu memoranduma o razumijevanju i saradnji, potpisanog od strane udruženja „Mladi Volonteri“ iz Visokog i Centra za socijalni rad Visoko, dana 27.11. 2014, donosimo odluku kojom će se vršiti izbor korisnika „Javne kuhinje“ u Visokom: Predmet:               PRIJAVA KORISNIKA ZA KORIŠTENJE „JAVNE KUHINJE“                     Kriterij za odabir korisnika Javne kuhinje – Korisnici stalne novčane pomoći (koji se nalaze na evidenciji Centra za socijalni rad); – Korisnici kojima je određen stepen invalidnosti 90% i 100%  i…




Ideas into Action Erasmus+ Training Course Tirana, Albania – December 3-11, 2014- 4 učesnika “Ideas into Action” is a training course for youth workers and youth leaders in project management and facilitation of European youth projects within the Erasmus+ framework. The eight-day course will be held in Tirana, Albania, in December 2014. The project is funded within Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (Youth) by the UK National Agency of the Programme. The project idea originates from…


Saopštenje za javnost

Saopštenje za javnost

Saopćenje za javnost – Značenje kampanje „Kriv/a sam“ Posljednjih sedam dana, pojavili su se plakati sa logom kampanje „Kriv/a“ sam. Plakati su postavljeni u 13 gradova i općina Bosne i Hercegovine (Federacija Bih, Republika Srpska i Brčko distirkt). Naime, riječ je o kampanji koju su osmislili mladi ljudi, predstavnici 10 organizacija civilnog društva tokom sedmodnevne edukacije u mjesecu augustu. Osnovni cilj kampanje jeste podizanje svijesnosti građana o važnosti izlaska na Opće izbore i preuzimanje odgovornosti…

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