Održana još jedna radionica za srednjoškolce u Bosni i Hercegovini

Održana još jedna radionica za srednjoškolce u Bosni i Hercegovini

Udruženje „Mladi Volonteri“ u saradnji sa njemačkom organizacijom „Pharos e.V“ ured u BiH, je realizovalo još jednu radionicu za srednjoškolce, a koje se implementuju u sklopu projekta „Mogućnosti legalne migracije u Njemačku“. Osnovni cilj projekta jeste pružiti prave informacije srednjoškolcima koji se odluče da idu za Njemačku, te omogućiti im da ne budu iskorišteni te da legalno borave u Njemačkoj. Također, projektom se utiče i na svijest mladih ljudi da odlazak u Njemačku ne predstavlja…


Poziv za 4 učesnika, trening u Durres-Albanija 03-11 April 2019

Poziv za 4 učesnika, trening u Durres-Albanija 03-11 April 2019

The project aims to address issues of a democratic deficit and low levels of participation from young citizens, particularly targeting disadvantaged groups, through creative means at the European and local level. In WB young people on the other hand, face a lack of opportunities, most choosing to emigrate. For as long as citizens remain silent and apathetic in the face of abuse, institutions will not stand much chance to consolidate democracy. Youth can also be…


Potreban EVS volonter za projekat u Bodrumu, Turska

Potreban EVS volonter za projekat u Bodrumu, Turska

Do you love traveling, connecting with new people and share your skills and knowledge? If your answer is YES, than this is opportunity for you! Association „Youth Volunteers“ is pleased to announce a public call for one EVS volunteer within the „Think Dance“ project, which will be held in Bodrum, Turkey, from April 14 to May 31, 2019. Profile of the volunteer: – experience in dancing or performing other arts – good organizational skills –…


Javni poziv za 6 učesnika Youth exhange u Izmiru-Turska

Javni poziv za 6 učesnika Youth exhange u Izmiru-Turska

Projekat će se održati u Izmiru i to u periodu od 26 April – 06 Maj 2019 godine Više informacija o projektu: Project is a youth exchange activity. It will be held in İzmir between 26 April-6 May 2019. Culture is the accumulation of characteristics and knowledge of human society’s language, religion, cusine, social habits, music and art. In other words, culture is an instrument which affects our world- view and varies according to where…


Javni poziv

Javni poziv

Sa nastupanjem Nove 2019. godine, Udruženje „Mladi Volonteri“ počinje sa implementacijom projekta pod nazivom „Resursni centra za privrednike“. Osnovni cilj ovog projekta jeste da se kroz zajedničko djelovanje privrednog i nevladinog sektora, obezbjede nove investicije za poslovanje privrednika općina Visoko, Kiseljak, Ilijaš, Kakanj i Breza. Koncept investicijskih, bespovratnih sredstava je, oduvijek, bio način pomoću kojeg su kompanije u svijetu ostvarivale dodatne izvore prihoda. Budući da se Bosna i Hercegovina nalazi u tranziciji, sve veći broj…


Javni poziv za dva ucesnika/ce TC “If everybody wants to be young / it’s time to take youth serious” – Berlin – 8-17.12.2018

Javni poziv za dva ucesnika/ce TC “If everybody wants to be young / it’s time to take youth serious” – Berlin – 8-17.12.2018

  This project is created for raising awareness on the importance of digital skills and the Internet for self-development and creation. Through the activities, the participants will gain knowledge about different digital tools, but also will be invited to present  and exchange a variety of digital tools and applications that they already used in their daily work.  This project aims to empower youth workers to use different digital skills in the process of inclusion of marginalized youth. The…


Javni poziv za 4 učesnika iz BiH, Power is yours! Conwy/Wales/UK 24-30 November 2018

Javni poziv za 4 učesnika iz BiH,  Power is yours!  Conwy/Wales/UK 24-30 November 2018

Javni poziv za 4 učesnika iz BiH, Power is yours! Conwy/Wales/UK 24-30 November 2018 The main goal of the project is – Creating and developing networks and partnerships between the 12 partners in order to generate projects having as main theme the promotion of the principles of equal opportunities and the elimination of discriminatory barriers based on gender and belonging to minority groups Specific objectives: ➢ sharing the personal, socio-educational and professional experience of 24…

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